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Best Travel Movies that Inspire Travel

Watching the best travel movies can give you so much inspiration.  Have you ever watched a movie that made you want to immediately pack your bags and take off to a new destination?  Perhaps it is a gorgeous setting that is so stunningly beautiful, you want nothing more than to be there in person.  Or maybe it inspires you personally, to push yourself to experience something new and different…to break out of your comfort zone?  Being the Travel Nuts that we are, there is a lot of travel inspiration with the best travel movies that make us feel this way.

Some movies affect us personally, and we can connect with their stories of personal triumph.  While others give us a unique perspective on life and inspire us to find our own journey on this Earth.  But other movies we watch purely for the scenery alone – just because it gives us a chance to daydream!  Whatever the reason, here are our top travel inspiration movies that inspire us to hit the road every time we watch them.

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